Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Welcome to our blog. This is our first post and we are very excited about the future and the opportunities that lie before us.  We are ready to help improve the lives of others so that they can discover all of what life has to offer.  Keep reading to find out more about the blog and the man punching the keys.

About the blogger:
My name is William Cummins.  I grew up in Dumas, Tx a town of about 13,000 people where I could literally walk to the local grocery store.  Most of my family is from Dumas and still live there today.  Living the small town life taught me the values of hard work, good character, and the importance of God, family and friends.  I can truly say that I am blessed to have the upbringing that I did.

 Once I was out of high school I followed in my father's foot steps and attended Texas Tech University.   I had an awesome time in Lubbock meeting a lot of great people from all walks of life. In May of 2008 I received my B.S. in Zoology and two days after graduation I started classes at Parker University in the College of Chiropractic.

In May of 2011 I  graduated with my Doctorate in Chiropractic.  During those three years a lot of things changed in my life.  I met my beautiful wife on a blind date in which she was an hour and a half late; lost my Granddad who was my fishing mate; and through that time I discovered more about my self, my dream, and most importantly what it takes to live a good and healthy life.

Life is all about choices.  We make them everyday, some are good and some are bad, some are even really bad.  In the end hopefully our good choices out weigh our bad ones.  The same goes with our health.  In order to be healthy we have to make good choices and make plenty of them.  It is a lifestyle, a choice. To be come healthy requires change, it requires an Adjustment!

This is what this blog is about, finding what change or adjustment is required to live a good and healthy life. About the blog:

This blog is the beginning of something that is going to be much bigger.  My purpose is about helping people discover all the opportunities that life has to offer by pursuing optimal health.  My mission: restoring quality motion restoring quality life.   Think about what that means for a minute.  Everything in life depends on motion. You could break it down to the smallest level and there is still motion.  Motion is life therefore having quality motion gives you the opportunity to achieve quality life.

I could go on forever but we will save that for another time.  The ultimate goal is for the start up of my practice in the town of Prosper, Tx.  Meagan and I love the small town and yet we are still close enough to see the Texas Rangers play!  In the mean time this blog will serve as the starting point of this journey and will be a feeder into all things going on with the practice, updates, website links, grand opening, patient scheduling ect.

Once the practice is up and going my vision for this blog is for it to morph into a patient resource.   That it will be an an opportunity for patients to find information that is educational, resourceful and enjoyable. An opportunity to discover what it takes to Adjust Your Life!

In Health,

William Cummins D.C.


  1. Nice blog. Well said. We are praying for your success!

  2. Looks like a great start to a very succesful career!

  3. Great Job~How exciting to be a part of this journey with you~Praying for great things~

  4. Proud of you! I like your blog.
